‘Seek and ye will find’. Matthew 7:7
If you have a nagging feeling, the thought that there is something more than just the material comforts of life waiting for you ‘somewhere out there’ - any form of meditational, spiritual or prayerful workshop, Reiki course or treatment, pilgrimage, retreat, book or meeting with a like-minded other, which catches your attention - why not try it and see?
‘We must nurture ourselves through connection to the Earth in order to give freely without exhaustion. The root of the Self is where strength is gathered. This root should be firmly earthed in the soil of our Mother Planet. Without this connection, dreams cannot manifest and our giving cannot be compensated by the Earth Mother. If you are spaced out, stop and reconnect.’ The Sacred Path cards

I am beautiful, and everybody loves me.’ Louise Hay affirmation

‘Yin and yang mean "dark-bright", "negative-positive" it is a concept of dualism in ancient Chinese philosophy, describing how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. In Chinese cosmology, the universe creates itself out of a primary chaos of material energy, organized into the cycles of Yin and Yang and formed into objects and lives. Yin is the receptive and Yang the active principle, seen in all forms of change and difference such as the annual cycle (winter and summer), the landscape (north-facing shade and south-facing brightness), sexual coupling (female and male)’.

We have to accept that we all exist within this dual energy universe, that there is the need to balance and work with natures ‘opposing’ forces to achieve harmony and happiness. It is important therefore to understand that we are not just ‘conscious’ beings but that we all have a subconscious too. Our knowledge of this hidden side of ourselves is necessary if we wish to become ‘whole’. In order to achieve this one needs to learn to ‘communicate’ with this mysterious other side of our self. The subconscious can only be fathomed through its language of symbols, dreams and emotions. Then we can begin to understand that mundane happenings can become meaningful symbols, signs pointing us towards our destiny and ‘completeness’ . Carl Jung called this process ‘synchronicity’. Those closest to us can become ‘messengers’ by taking on the role of our personal mirror, reflecting and revealing to us our ‘trapped’ subconscious issues. Whilst this can be challenging, these occurrences present an opportunity to consciously resolve our unconscious ‘stuff’ rather than blame the innocent individual! Injury and illness can also be a sign from our subconscious of an emotional upset we have perhaps ignored and repressed which is trying to make its presence felt. Investigating its original cause can often kickstart a healing process that can help bring ones conflicting energies back into a healthy balance.
’Act as if what you intend to manifest in life is already a reality. Eliminate thoughts of conditions, limitations, or the possibility of it not manifesting. If left undisturbed in your mind and in the mind of intention simultaneously, it will germinate in the physical world.’ Wayne Dyer
We all have unresolved feelings in our ‘unconscious hard drive’, which if ignored will ’escape’ and manifest themselves in our outer world. Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, taichi, qigong and related breathing exercises in particular, are all useful practices to ‘cleanse’ not only our mind but our body too. Our physicality is a mirror, it is the outer embodiment of our inner subconscious state.‘The outer world is a reflection of the inner world. Other people’s perception of you is a reflection of them; your response to them is an awareness of you’. Roy T. Bennett
Developing a keen sense of self awareness should be one of our main aims in life. To accumulate experience of and to come to understand the human condition is enlightening. Viewing oneself and others objectively, or as Lorna Bevan describes it, “to watch from your witness perch” is a necessity in order to see ‘the bigger picture’. Acquiring this ability to take a ‘step back’ enables clarity, it reveals a clear view of the unbiased truth of a situation. We come to understand why others may be being as they are, often operating unknowingly from a ‘personal agenda’. With such insight we can gain understanding and with that comes compassion and forgiveness where maybe there would not have been before.
The Reiki healing method was brought into being by Dr Mikao Usui. Born in 1865 he was a deeply religious man who spent many years studying all aspects of spirituality and Buddhism. It is said that he went into the mountains in order to meditate, that he prayed and fasted by a waterfall on Mount Kurama and after twenty one days he experienced a profound spiritual awakening. The gifts he experienced and was given in the vision Usui felt called upon to share, and subsequently initiated many people into this system of alternative healing. He himself gave comfort and healing to thousands of others at a time in Japan when Doctors were scarce and costly, and when in 1923 a huge earthquake caused many injuries, it is said he helped many to heal from their wounds.
To study Reiki at that time took committed study and application in order to absorb the work and was progressed on several levels of disciplines, not dissimilar to a novice monks‘ learning perhaps. And whilst the ability to give healing did not rely on reaching the final stages of learning, to teach and to be able to initiate others into the art, did, only the few became Masters at this time. Dr Chujiro Hayshi and later Mrs Hawayo Takata were responsible for starting up clinics and schools and subsequently bringing this healing art to the West whereupon it has multiplied and grown into many and varied forms, but maybe none as intense and studious as when this description of a Reiki Initiation took place in the late 1930s under Dr Chujiro;
This excerpt is from ‘’The Hayashi Reiki Manual’ by Frank Arjava Petter & Tadao Yamaguchi http://www.frankarjavapetter.com/
The Western version of Reiki One, Shoden, imparts the beginnings of spiritual knowledge and initiates a self healing programme. On receiving the first level Reiju, their initiation into the energy, (simply translated Rei, is to give, ju, receive) the students hopefully experience their first sensation of the Reiki. After which the class get to try out their newly acquired energy connection. A twenty one day program of personal healing is recommended after this first level of teaching.
Reiki Two, Okuden, focuses on the understanding and use of the three Reiki symbols and other ways in which to focus and send the Reiki power. Another level of Reiju is given to the students strengthening their lineage to Dr Usui, the source channel. With the right regulations in place, Reiki two students are now able to set up their own healing business should they wish to.
The Reiki Three, ‘Shipinden’ course teaches the students how to perform the Reiju itself so they too can initiate others into the Reiki Lineage that connects to Dr Usui himself. The fourth and final symbol, known as the Master symbol, is given and received at this level.
Whilst the Reiki two teachings can highlight the various ways in which one can channel the Reiki energy, a ‘Reiki Grid’ is a more modern addition demonstrated in level Reiki Three. This method can help enhance the spreading of the healing energy with the right intent. https://reikirays.com/12951/reiki-crystals-grid This article sets out how to create and imbue crystals of your choice, into a circular ‘grid’ to help enhance and send the energy on your behalf to where you wish it to go. However one always has to remain mindful not to force the energy onto people or places. ‘Asking’ the Higher Forces - in whatever form fits with your beliefs - to guide, direct and protect, should always be at the forefront of ones thoughts when using the Reiki power.
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Asking specific Archangels or known spiritual guides to provide a protected space in which to work helps establish a higher, more focused connection to the Source. |
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A simple Reiki grid |
Being a ‘pilgrim on the path’ to self knowledge will always be an ongoing journey and best done without the aid of a ‘satnav’, as it is the unexpected twists and turns that lead us to our destiny and to our greatest fulfillment. As Carl Jung suggests; balance spontaneous creativity and intuitive spirituality with applied intellect but to remember to keep your feet firmly planted in Mother Earth.
In awareness, with clarity, intent and compassion we can channel a life force that will help raise our energetic frequencies to not only benefit ourselves, but for others’ healing as well as the environment and planet.
In awareness, with clarity, intent and compassion we can channel a life force that will help raise our energetic frequencies to not only benefit ourselves, but for others’ healing as well as the environment and planet.
Learning to focus and how to emanate a clear and positive loving vibration from a place and situation from where we find we belong, is one of the most meaningful acts we can each individually accomplish in our lifetime. Achieving this will adds to the universal positivity of the ‘Collective Whole’.
‘Today bless and be blessed. Bless yourself, everyone and any difficult situation. Blessing painful hurts starts a transformational process. Blessings bring the light. Every blessing you make honours you and gives you back your power, since it enables you to realise that you are the author of your own experience. Make your life and the world a better place. Bless unceasingly as you go through your day, and you will have a grace-filled day’. Chuck Spezzano